Stop telling yourself lies about yourself

This is my submission for the February, 2025 IndieWeb Carnival, hosted by Joe Crawford. The theme is “Affirmations.” You shoud submit something! First things first: self-affirmation is not my thing. My internal monologue is a condemnation. “You aren’t …” “You didn’t …” “You should have …” It’s been this way as long as I can remember, but it’s starting to change. The change started in an instant, but we’re going to take the long way to get there. ...

February 5, 2025 · Greg Sarjeant

On the importance of friction

Nothing happened. And then everything happened. In 2004, I bought a new laptop. It was a Gateway 200X (Do you remember the cow boxes? I remember the cow boxes). I was a fairly serious Linux user at the time, so I installed Gentoo Linux on it. Just about everything worked right away, which was both surprising and a little disappointing. It hadn’t been too long since things like USB support meant you were recompiling your kernel, so rebooting from the installer into a fully functional environment left me feeling a little empty. It was a different time. ...

January 17, 2025 · Greg Sarjeant

An act of preservation

This is a guide that I wrote for the gentoo forums in 2004. I’ve been thinking about submitting a piece for this month’s IndieWeb Carnival and I think my experience with ACPI in the early 2000s is a good topic for the theme: On the Importance of Friction. It also struck me that this is a good thing to preserve on my own site. It remains one of my proudest writing accomplishments, and although it’s long since defunct, I’d feel a sense of loss if the gentoo forums were to disappear and this were to be lost. ...

January 16, 2025 · Greg Sarjeant